Celebrate Canada Day with Citizenship Events in Your Area


June 26, 2017 — Ottawa, ON — Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada invites you to participate in citizenship events and activities taking place across the country in the coming weeks to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.

Events include 55 special citizenship ceremonies across Canada to welcome new Canadians; reaffirmation ceremonies on Canada Day, where citizens can recite the Oath of Citizenship to celebrate the rights and responsibilities we share as Canadians; guided citizenship walks to explore Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary; and a Canada Day 1 exhibit at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport.

Visit our online Canada Day page for more information and interactive map to find a citizenship ceremony near you.



“As we celebrate Canada 150, I encourage you to reflect on what it means to be Canadian –the responsibilities we share and the rights we enjoy – and celebrate living in Canada, a country recognized around the world for its opportunity, inclusiveness and diversity.”

The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick Facts

  • In the past 10 years, Canada welcomed over 1,700,000 new Canadians. 

  • In 2016, 147,800 people became Canadian citizens.

  • Attending a citizenship ceremony and taking the Oath of Citizenship is the last step a person takes before becoming a Canadian citizen.